National Indian Health Board

Report Description

This report provides estimates of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) enrollment in Medicaid, Medicare, and Uninsured for the United States (US), all 50 states, and the District of Columbia (DC), the latter of which is hereafter referred to as a state for the purposes of this report. The frst page for each state provides a table of AI/AN enrollment in Medicaid, Medicare, and Uninsured for 2012 and 2022. The table shows both the change and the percentage change in insurance enrollment from 2012 to 2022. The middle graph on the frst page for each state depicts enrollment rates for Medicare, Medicaid, and Uninsured from 2012 to 2022 for both AI/ANs and the Overall population. These enrollment rates were calculated by dividing the number enrolled in each insurance type by the total population, for both AI/ANs and the Overall population in 2012 and 2022. At the bottom of page one for each state are charts showing dual enrollment rates for AI/ANs and the Overall population ages 65 and greater. These charts show the percentage of those ages 65 and greater enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid, Medicare only, and neither Medicare nor Medicaid in 2022. The second page for each state focuses on 2022 data, beginning with a chart showing Medicaid enrollment rates by age (0-18, 19-64, and 65 and greater) for AI/ANs and the Overall population. The next chart provides Uninsured rates by age group (0-18, 19-64, and 65 and greater) for AI/ANs and the Overall population. Finally, the last section provides highlighted comparisons for each state.

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NIHB Response to Executive Orders

President Trump’s recent Executive Orders on federal funding could have serious implications for Tribal health. NIHB is actively advocating for Tribal Nations and providing key updates—click to learn more and access resources.