Our Vision
The National Indian Health Board advocates on behalf of all Tribal Governments, American Indians and Alaska Natives in their efforts to provide quality health care for ALL Indian People!
About NIHB
The National Health Board (NIHB) is a non-profit, charitable organization that provides health care advocacy services, facilitates tribal budget consolation and provides timely information and other services to all tribal governments. Whether Tribes operate their own health care delivery systems through contracting and compacting or receive health care directly from the Indian Health Services (IHS), NIHB is their advocate. NIHB also conducts research, policy analysis, program assessment and development, national and regional meeting planning, training, technical assistance programs and project management. These services are provided to Tribes, Area Indian Health Boards, Tribal organizations, federal agencies, and private foundations. The NIHB represents the tribal perspective while monitoring, reporting on and responding to federal legislation and regulations. It also serves as conduit to open opportunities for the advancement of American Indian and Alaska Native health care with other national and international organizations, foundations, corporations and others in its quest to build support for, and advance, Indian health care issues.