NIHB Tribal School Readiness Mini-Grant Pre-Application Webinar

August 18, 2020
03:30PM - 04:30PM

All Times Eastern

DATE: Tuesday, August 18, 2020
TIME: 3:30 PM Eastern Time
Register at:

The National Indian Health Board, with funding from the Indian Health Service, is pleased to offer up to $2,000 to Tribes and Tribal organizations through its Tribal School Readiness Mini-grant. Grants are intended to
strengthen school preparation and readiness for safe operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

NIHB is hosting an optional preapplication webinar on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, to summarize the project’s goals and provide a brief overview of the application process.

Funds can be used for activities to support a learning environment that is safe for students, parents, teachers, and school employees. Grantees may use these funds for one or more of these categories:

  • Materials and equipment acquisition
  • Facilities and infrastructure
  • Outreach and education
  • Training and technical assistance
  • Evaluation and assessment

For the complete funding announcement, workplan template, sample activities, and more information, please visit:

For the application, visit: