On Monday, March 8, 2021, the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) was joined by nine national Native organizations in a letter submitted to President Joe Biden, requesting that the Administration swiftly and effectively deliver the COVID-19 vaccine to the American Indian and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) living in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, as well as all urban Indians. The NIHB Board of Directors passed Resolution 21-01: Promoting and Prioritizing AI/ANs in the DC Metropolitan Area for the COVID-19 Vaccine on February 26, 2021. NIHB was joined in this effort by the National Council of Urban Indian Health, Native American Lifelines (the only urban Indian clinic in the Washington DC Area, located in Baltimore), National Indian Education Association, National American Indian Housing Council, Native American Finance Officers’ Association, Native American Contractors Association, National Indian Gaming Association, American Indian Higher Education Consortium, and the National Congress of American Indians.
Read the full letter.