National Indian Health Board

Description of the report

This report provides an executive summary and highlights from the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) State Health Insurance Status Report (SHISR) for 20221. The SHISR provides an analysis of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) enrollment in Medicare and Medicaid as well as data for Uninsured from the American Community Survey (ACS). The SHISR uses five- year rolling averages for the United States and all 50 states including DC. While the focus of the SHISR is from 2012 to 2022, this annual enrollment report will provide highlights and differences among states for 2022 data only. Specific concerns over data sampling errors, the Medicaid undercount in ACS data, and adjusting the results for age differences between the AI/AN and Overall population are addressed in the Introduction section of the SHISR.

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NIHB Response to Executive Orders

President Trump’s recent Executive Orders on federal funding could have serious implications for Tribal health. NIHB is actively advocating for Tribal Nations and providing key updates—click to learn more and access resources.