The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) represents Tribal governments — both
those that operate their own health care delivery systems through contracting
and compacting, and those receiving health care directly from the Indian Health
Service (IHS).
Located in Washington, DC, NIHB, a non-profit organization, provides a variety of
services to Tribes, Area Indian Health Boards, Tribal organizations, federal and state
agencies, and private entities, including:
• Advocacy
• Public health policy formation and analysis
• Legislative and regulatory tracking
• Direct and timely communication and information dissemination
• Research on Indian public health issues
• Public health program development and assessment
• Public health training and technical assistance programs
• Project management
NIHB is committed to advocating on behalf of all Tribal governments and American
Indian and Alaska Native peoples to promote healthy practices; prevent diseases and
injuries; provide basic health resources and infrastructure to Tribes; and research
and develop Tribal, local, state, and national health policy that is inclusive of Tribes
and Tribal health systems. The only organization of its kind, NIHB is dedicated to
strengthening health and well-being for all AI/ANs.