Sustaining Diabetes Prevention: Navigating Funding Challenges in Tribal Health

Ensuring the Future of SDPI: Strengthening Diabetes Prevention Amid Funding Uncertainties

The Indian Health Service (IHS) updates Tribal and Urban Indian Organization leaders on the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) grant cycle for Fiscal Year 2021 (FY 2021) amid ongoing funding uncertainties. Congress has provided partial-year authorizations totaling $96.6 million, with the potential for further funding up to $150 million. However, grant programs face financial challenges due to unstable congressional approvals.

To maintain continuity, the IHS will retain the funding formula from FY 2016 and allow 301 existing SDPI grantees to compete for renewed funding in FY 2021. While new applicants are not eligible this cycle, future funding opportunities for new Tribes and Urban Indian Organizations may arise in 1–2 years. The IHS commits to ongoing consultation to ensure effective diabetes prevention and treatment programs for American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

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NIHB Response to Executive Orders

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